My Story

Hi my name is Jules.

Art has been a faithful companion in my life for as long as i can remember.

I always dreamed of being successful with it.

My parents have always encouraged me and supported me on my way.

So I was allowed to go to courses at a young age and get to know my creativity.

At a certain point in my life, everything changed.

I lost my mother and my world collapsed.

I quit my job, my apartment and went traveling.

Life is too short and I wanted more.

I wanted to be happy and find myself again.

I met people who inspired me.

I saw places that took my breath away and touched my heart.

I returned to the power and energy of Mother Earth and felt myself again.

This was the moment, that set me on my chosen path.

I am passionate about my work, because I love what I do.

In my drawings I let my creativity and feelings run free.

I try to capture the mystical beauty of the world and create something new, free.

This life challenge has helped me to understand my inner self and my individual art.

It's always a transformative journey.

Come and be a part of it.

It all starts with a dream

